Friday, February 24, 2012

I’m officially done with my fifth grade placement. I never thought I would be so sad to leave. I really got attached to some of those sweet kids and will really miss them! I really believe that each child was placed in my life by God for a reason and I just pray that I did my job! On my last day they threw me a little surprise going away party. I was so touched! They had cupcakes and everything (we had to pretend it was my birthday to get away with the unhealthy food)! I also got one of the greatest presents I have ever received. The kids, all 68 of them, wrote me a little note and then they were all bound together in a book. I cried. It was the absolute sweetest, most heartwarming gift. I will treasure it forever. They will always be my first group of “real” students! : ]
Here are a few little tidbits from my book:

I love the last line: "I know you will be one of the beast teacher."

Isn't this just precious?

bye yall!