Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tomorrow is my last day in fifth grade!
I am really going to miss the sweet kids! Today was a benchmark testing day so, I was pulled to sub for a second grade classroom. You know that you are back in the lower grades when a child describes to you what came out of their nose and into the Kleenex haha! I missed some of those little gruesome details only younger kids will share with you!
 Here is what I have been up to in pictures:

For Valentine’s Day our class celebrated with an ice cream sundae/ float party! It was a mess but, a ton of fun! It's so nice to have parents who want to help!

Valentine’s Day also happens to be my birthday! My cooperating teacher made a delicious strawberry cake for lunch!

I saw the idea for a teacher toolbox on Pintrest a long time ago and immediately rushed to Lowe’s to buy a little tool box. It has sat in my closet for months and I finally got around to putting it all together! It will go in my future classroom and hopefully help keep my desk drawers a little less cluttered! I can't stand messy drawers!

Also, right now Kohl’s has the $5 books! ERIC CARLE! I had to control myself! They even have the stuffed animals that go with the books!
That’s all for now! I will be posting lots more come Kindergarten time!
bye yall!