Saturday, February 14, 2015

Deep in the Heart of TEXAS Blog Hop

Welcome to the "Deep in the Heart of Texas" blog hop!  Over 40 Texas teacher bloggers have joined together to share what we love about our state as well as ideas and freebies that we love.  You will also have the opportunity to enter to win TpT products and/or TpT gift certificates by entering using the rafflecopters included in each post.  Down at the bottom, you will see all of the blogs participating in the hop.  Just click and you will be taken to their posts.  We hope you love what you find.  Happy Valentine's Day!

Hey y'all! My name is Sarah and I am from Midland, Texas! Born and raised! But, I will soon be moving to the big city of Dallas, Texas! And today is my BIRTHDAY! 

Midland, Texas is in no way shape or form a pretty place. Unless you like wind and tumbleweeds. If you don't know what a tumbleweed is, we need to talk... 

Here are a few things I love the most about Midland...

 1. I love the small town feel and that my mom lives her too! It's going to be hard not to have her so close in Dallas. Plus, I don't know what we will eat, she feeds us all the time. She also helps me cut out my endless lamination and makes me laugh!

2. I love the small businesses and stores. My happy place is definitely Miss Cayce's Christmas Store.  They have EVERYTHING you can imagine for Christmas! They even serve warm cookies and sodas while you shop! Ahhh!!

Look how amazing it is! They also have a great Pinterest board to follow if you are into Christmas or decorating!

3. Midland is George W. Bush's hometown. I love me some GW! In 2008 our town had a huge welcome home rally for President and Mrs. Bush. Here is Hubby and I back in our high school days.

I absolutely LOVE teaching about any type of animal. Especially animals that my students have real experiences with! Like many classrooms, we hatch chicks in the Spring! It is probably one of my all time favorite teaching times and I just love that my kids become little chick experts. And it's a special experience that many of them will never have again

Last year we hatched five baby chicks. 

I had to bust out my chick hat for their hatching...

My kids loved making this giant chick, labeling the body parts and writing! 

I have turned this activity into a special freebie for you to use this Spring! Even if you can't hatch chicks, this would still be a fun addition to your farm or Easter unit! : ) 

Click HERE to download your Chick Freebie from my TPT Store! Make sure to follow my store while you are there so you don't miss any fun freebies!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Click on the buttons below to visit some other awesome Texas bloggers!