Monday, August 18, 2014

Teacher Week: Who

 It's Day One of Blog Hoppin's Teacher Week!

Today's topic is WHO, so I'm going to tell you a little bit more about myself! I recently updated my About Me on my blog page, so I will try not to repeat myself! : )

My name is Sarah and this is my THIRD year teaching Kindergarten in Texas, hence the blog name. I am 23 years old. I graduated from Texas Tech University and love the Red Raiders! I went into college with 30 hours from high school and I knew what I wanted to do, so I was out in 3 years! I accepted my first teaching job 3 months after my 21st birthday. CRAZY! I literally landed my dream job right out of college,which was so amazing! 

Here I am Graduation Day on the football field! : )

Here I am headed to my First Day of School as a teacher! 

I actually started this blog back in 2011 when I was student teaching. I wasn't sure what I was doing, but I wanted to colloborate and connect with other teachers. Plus, posting pictures and ideas helped me be a better teacher and made me excited to create! I kick myself all the time for not posting more! I love going back and looking at things I did in my classroom in past years. 
This year I am going to do way better! : )

I have been so blessed to be surrounded by wonderful teachers! This is a picture of (most) of my Kindergarten team last year on the 100th Day of School. This was one of my favorite days the entire school year!

When I'm not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my friends, family and furbabies. I love reading other teaching blogs and pinning away on Pinterest. I wish I had more time to craft and read. Here are 10 other random things that you may not know about me!

Thanks Amy Lemons for the cute graphic!

See y'all tomorrow for DAY TWO!