Friday, July 11, 2014

GIVEAWAY TIME: Book Bins and More

Happy Friday! 

I am so excited today to give away one of my favorite things! I confess that I am a book hoarder. Aren't we all? At the beginning of the summer I MADE myself clean out and reorganize a little bit. I organize all of my teacher books using book bins. I label each bin to correspond with exactly what I am teaching that week. My kindergarten team sits down together in May and we plan for the next year. Thanks so my sweet team mate Katie for typing it up! Here is what it looks like:

Then I make the book bin labels to correspond with the theme for the week. I know that theme is a bad word in some school districts, but it's really just a way to tie everything together and keep it fun and engaging for the kids. At Christmas we are going to read Christmas books and in October we are going to learn about pumpkins all while still hitting our standards, end of story : )

 Please notice the random sticker on each book bin. We try to teach the letters of the alphabet in the order that Saxon phonics teaches. However, sometimes we will change the order for one reason or another. So I write the letters of the alphabet on a sticker and then put it on the corresponding bin. It makes it really easy to change year to year if I need to. 

Now look at the picture above very closely. Can you tell the difference between the book bins? The one on the left is the amazingly giant book bin by Steps to Literacy. Eventually, I hope to completely convert and only have these book bins. I love them because they can hold nice big hardback books and are super durable. They can even hold binders! 

These book bins also come in both primary and bright colors. I just love them and I can't imagine organizing my books without them. They are the best book bin that I have ever come across.

And now for the giveaway! 
One lucky winner will receive a set of 8 different colored big book bins from Steps to Literacy and I wanted you to have something new to go in your bins so I threw in a $10 Amazon gift card! : ) 

The giveaway starts NOW and ends on Friday, July 18. I will announce the winner by Saturday, July 19! Just enter below using the Rafflecopter. Notice you get even more points for liking me on Facebook and following me on Blog Lovin! : )

a Rafflecopter giveaway