Friday, July 25, 2014

Five for Friday July 25

I'm sort of in a panic that this is the last Friday in July. Because do you know what comes after July? AUGUST! And what happens in August? BACK TO SCHOOL!
I am actually ready to start getting back in the swing of things, but I already feel like I have a million things to do to be ready! AHHHHHH! 

Today I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. 

 I found these precious little pennants to hang in the hallway with my Meet the Author's board. I can't wait to get it up! 

 I spent a few days this week helping a friend move to a new classroom at a new school. The lady who left her room left so much junk so many treasures, it was unbelievable! Lucky for me, this lady had a pretty extensive googly eye collection. So I have been sorting googly eyes today! 

 Tonight Hubby and I are going on a date. One of my sweet student's families gave me a very generous gift certificate to the yummiest fanciest restaurant in town. I have been saving it all summer for the perfect occasion and tonight is the night! This is the envelope it came in. I was afraid that if I posted a picture of the gift certificate you might crash our date night ; P

 Usually I avoid Walmart at all costs, because it is so CROWDED all the time! However, I make an exception for Back to School shopping. I love the teacher rebate program that is going on right now! I won't tell you how much I spent : / Since I am getting 10% back I feel like it was justifiable : ) Back me up!

As if Miss Lexi wasn't spoiled enough, she is getting presents! One of my favorite coworkers brought this over today. Look how precious the bag is! : ) Lexi is already loving the toys that were inside!

I am DYING to show yall what I worked on all afternoon. I can't wait to share it with yall first thing tomorrow morning! 
Happy Friday!