Friday, April 25, 2014

Five for Friday, AMEN!

I thought this week would never end. This week was the big STAAR test for the 3rd through 6th graders in Texas! And even though I teach Kindergarten, it makes our week crazy too! Our schedule was all sorts of weird and we didn't even get outdoor recess for three days. I'm sure y'all can imagine what that does to us! But, I survived! 

I am liking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. 

Today our baby chicks left us to go back to the farm. I absolutely love having them, but when they start jumping out of the nursery; it's time for them to go. Literally, I could get though two pages in a book without one of them escaping. I'm so mad that I didn't take a picture of the escaping fugitives. Here is one last shot of Princess, Steve, Martin, Elsa and Spike.

 Isn't it amazing how much they grow in a matter of days? Like they are huge and have their wings and everything! 

We made a card for the "chick lady" to tell her thanks so much for letting us hatch and raise the chicks. I thought it turned out really cute!

 We were planning on having company this weekend, so I busted it last night to get the guest room/office clean. However, our company couldn't make it, but at least I have a clean room! 

 Lukey Bear HATES having his picture taken! He has figured out that the iPhone makes a terrible flash in his face and just pointing the phone at him makes him bark and go nuts. Today I finally captured an action shot : ) 
Next week we will be studying bugs and butterflies. I have been working on a mini unit to go with it. I love making class books and am SO excited about sharing this idea with you soon. In fact, I had planned this activity for next week and busted it out today because I was so excited that I couldn't stand it!  Come back for the details ; )

I hope you had a fabulous Friday and enjoy the well deserved weekend!