Saturday, March 29, 2014

March Wedding and Honeymoon

What an amazing and crazy month! I feel like I am always playing catch up, but this month I at least have a good excuse. I GOT MARRIED! : ) I still don't have the official pictures back from the photographer, but here are a few to share:

Please note the raindrops. It POURED the entire wedding. It was so sad because it was suppose to be outdoors and it had to be moved inside at the very last minute. I was so disappointed, but it was beautiful and we got some really neat pictures. Plus rain is suppose to be lucky and symbolizes fertility, great...haha : )

This was a photo collage that my best friend and bridesmaid Kate made, I just thought the pictures were so cute and I am still obsessing about my cake. In fact, it deserves it's own picture.

I LOVE IT! And it was so delicious too. 

Tyler and I : )

This picture just appeared on my phone's pictures. No idea who took it, but I'm so glad I have it.

My favorite flower arrangement. This is when it was still in progress by the florist, it was GORGEOUS.

Y'all planning a wedding is no joke! It was so much work and preparation. I am so glad to have all of that stress behind me! After the wedding, Tyler and I headed to Miami Beach and then onto Antigua. It was absolutely beautiful and so much fun!

Take me back!

I also haven't even posted about our fun Dr. Seuss Day and our Dinosaur Unit that wrapped up yesterday. It looks like my game of catch up will continue tomorrow! : ) It is gorgeous outside and I'm in the mood to plant some flowers. Have a Happy Saturday!