Friday, March 13, 2015


Last week, my classroom was honored to have a special visitor, Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Governor Abbott is huge on early childhood education and he was visiting my school to see our outstanding Pre-K program. A few days before the big visit, my principal asked if my room could be used for the press event.


Nothing gets your classroom in tip top shape like a visit from the Governor ; ) Then the day before the visit, I found out he would actually be visiting my classroom and my kindergarteners too!  How exciting! : )

I created a little book about Governor Abbott and we discussed the differences between Governors and Presidents. We also wrote about Governor Abbott.

One of the most exciting things we learned was that Governor Abbott has a daughter named Audrey. We have a friend in our class named Audrey too. So that was a very popular writing topic.

I loved displaying our writing in the hallway for Governor Abbott and his crew to read : ) I am always so proud to show off my little writers. 

You can learn more about my Meet the Authors hallway display HERE.

The whole day was fun. We had all sorts of security and special people on campus. You could just feel the energy!

Governor Abbott's entire team was so nice!

Finally, after much anticipation the Governor arrived! My littles were
 working on observing and describing rocks when he made his appearance. 

We literally had around 30 people in our classroom! The Governor, the Superintendent, principals, news crews, reporters, you name it...they were there! I could not have been more proud of my class. They were absolute angels!

It was so neat to meet Governor Abbott and discuss the importance of early childhood education. As a Kindergarten teacher, I know first hand the importance of Pre-K.  This was such a neat experience and it will definitely be a highlight in my teaching career! : )

Here are a few links to the news articles about the visit: