Thursday, January 1, 2015

January Currently

Happy New Year! 

I am kicking off 2015 by linking up with Farley for January's Currently!

I have working my boo-tay off to get the house ready to put on the market NEXT WEEK (GASP!) I still have a ton more to do, plus get ready to go back to school on Monday. AHHHHH!

Everything in my part of Texas is FROZEN! Which is very rare. I haven't gotten dressed in two days because I can't leave the house anyway! I shouldn't complain though because I have been forced to stay home and work around the house. The weather has made my Lexi extra cuddly and she doesn't understand why I can't lay around all day too! She was really not happy when I washed the sheets and she couldn't lay in bed!

Excuse her "rag-a-muffin-ness," she is still healing from being spayed and can't have a bath or be groomed until next week. At least she is styling in her polka dot sweater!