Sunday, November 30, 2014

TGI Cyber Monday

I hope yall are ready to shop! Tomorrow kicks off the big TPT Cyber Monday and Tuesday sale! Everything in my store is marked down 20% and TPT is giving an additional 10% off! Just use the code TPTCYBER at checkout! This is a great time to stock up and save lots of $$$! 

My life is CRAZY right now! If you follow me on Instagram you know that we are moving to DALLAS! 

(This was our best attempt at a family selfie with two crazy dogs)

We are SO excited and really looking forward to this new opportunity! BUT, we have a never ending to do list for the next few months! We are trying to find somewhere to live, sell our house, I have to find a new job and keep everything running at home and school! Not mention packing, cleaning out, have a garage sale and CHRISTMAS! 

This is how I feel...

Typically, I create most of the materials I use in my classroom. However, I am SO grateful to have TPT for great resources when I am running around with my head chopped off. Make sure and check out my store to see if there is anything that will save your sanity! I will definitely be loading up my cart with resources to help me get through the next few weeks! : )