Saturday, October 11, 2014

Community Helpers

We had so much fun learning about community helpers and fire safety this week! 

We read lots of non-fiction texts about firefighters and wrote about firefighters together. 

We also made firefighters! These are from my Firefighter Craft on TPT. 

I even made a big fire truck for the hallway. I was pretty excited about how it turned out! 

The local firefighters even came to visit! 

I was so glad that my kids were able to see a firefighter in full gear. They can look scary in all the stuff! He was even nice enough to take a picture with every kindergarten student!!!

 This little friend was a huge fan!

We also checked out the inside on an ambulance and peeked into the fire truck.

It was such a fun experience for the kids!

On Friday, we talked about a special community helper we have in our school...The chefs in our cafeteria! Our kitchen manager was sweet enough to come visit our classroom AND bring cooking gear for everyone!

We learned about the importance of wearing hairnets, aprons and gloves when preparing food for others.

They looked SO PRECIOUS in their cooking gear. They kept asking, "Do we get to take this outfit home?" 

We even learned how chefs use science tools like thermometers for cooking! Here we are checking out a thermometer and watching the red line in cold water.

We even enjoyed a healthy snack!

Have a GREAT Saturday!