Saturday, June 21, 2014

Planning for Math & Vocabulary Cards Give Away

I love planning for literacy! Guided reading groups, interactive writing, read alouds, phonics...I LOVE IT! Math? Not as much...Kindergarten math is fun compared to calculus (gag), but I just don't have the same passion for it as I do for reading. However, it's sort of growing on me! 

 Big, big, BIG changes are happening in Texas with Math. We have a brand spanking new set of Math TEKS. TEKS stands for Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and they are the standards used by the state of Texas. So, we have all new resources and things to use!

 My biggest beef with math program is that they don't always do a good job of explaining vocabulary in an age appropriate way for young students. These are great for my ESL students too!

My Math Vocabulary Words includes around 120 different math words. Each word has a picture to go with it and an explanation of the concept. I am planning on having  a math wall (which will really be a cabinet) and adding new vocabulary words for each topic that we cover. I am so proud of myself for having these all cut and laminated already! 

Go me!

This set includes the following words: Count, number,zero,  one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty- three, twenty- four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, whole, part, none, more (than), fewer (than), same number as, compare, column, row, order, five frame, ten-frame, greater (than), less (than), double ten-frame, set, before, after, join, in all, add, plus sign (+), sum, equal sign (=), addition sentence, left, separate, take away, subtract, minus sign (-), difference, subtraction sentence, coin, penny, cent, cent sign, value, nickel, dime, quarter, cost, related fact, model, hundred chart, pattern, same (alike), different, sort, does not belong, circle, triangle, solid figure, cone, cube, cylinder, sphere, flat surface, balance scale, holds, length, longer, shorter, height, taller, weight, weighs, heavier, lighter, graph, survey, real graph, picture graph, most, fewest, earn, skill, gift, income, want, need, behind, between, beside, in front of, next to, above, below, in, out.

Would you like a copy of the Math Vocabulary Cards? Tell me what program you use for math and your email address.  I will email a copy for the first THREE comment-ers. But, I have been know to share with numbers 4 and 5 too... 
Good Luck! I look forward to hearing about how you teach math! 

Hope everyone is enjoying summer! And if you aren't on summer yet, God bless you...