Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Currently

Hello June! Hello Summer! : ) 
Today I am kicking off summer by linking up for the June Currently. 

LOVING: Friday was the last day of school! So I am officially on SUMMER VACATION! I am planning on turning into a pool bum! 

THINKING: I have this great little craft room/ office in my house. I have been pinning organization ideas for months and I am ready to get started!

WANTING: I am DYING to go to Vegas for the I Teach K and TPT Conference. I'm still working on a way to attend!

NEEDING: I have been dreading/putting off changing my name after getting married in March. It's so much work! New Drivers License, passport,insurance, social security card, teaching certificate, the list goes on and on.. Today I signed up for and started working on all of the documents. So that's a start!

1. Organize and Deep Clean: I am just itching to reorganize everything and really clean out! We still have boxes of wedding stuff and presents to put away. I am ready to get it all done! I am also planning a big garage sale!


3. New puppy: I am getting a new puppy at the end of June! In February, we found out that Hubby was allergic to my precious kitty Helen. DEVASTATING! He doesn't really like cats, but he was even sad. Luckily, some friends of ours took her and we still see her lots. However, I needed to fill the small animal void in my life. We have a chocolate lab, Luke who I LOVE. But, I decided I needed a little dog too. SOOOO we are getting a Maltipoo! Her name is Lexi Berry and she will be old enough to bring home on June 26. I am looking forward to spending the summer with her. She is going to be spoiled rotten! 

Well it's almost time for Sonic Happy Hour which means the pool is also calling my name! Happy Summer friends! : )