Monday, May 12, 2014

Muffins with Mom Ideas

I think I survived one of the busiest weeks of my life! May is always crazy, but this week seemed especially nuts. Friday we had our big Muffins with Mom breakfast. My theme was cupcakes and "Mom, you are the sweetest." Everything turned out super cute and I think the moms enjoyed it. Check out an updated version of all of these activities HERE. 

This was our little invitation. Super simple and the kids just filled in the details. 

These little cupcakes were a pretty simple gift for the kids to make their mommies. They chose Skittles or M&Ms and poured a small cup full into a clear treat sack. I used twisty ties to close the bag and then cut off the extra. Then I just turned it upside down put it in the liner.The cupcake liners collapse really easily, so I cut off the bottom part of a styrofoam cup and hot glued it to a little stack on cupcake liners. It helped hold it all together and keep the shape.  A little red pom pom makes a perfect cherry on top too!


Now on to the tables!
I love fresh flowers but, they die and someone always knocks the vase over and it makes a horrible mess. This year I made giant cupcakes. 

I bought a set of hanging puff balls in pink, lime green and turquoise. I just fluffed them out and tried to make one side flat so that they would sit on the base. Then I hot glued pom poms all over it. For a cherry I found a giant red pom pom and hot glued a brown pipe cleaner out of it. I had a hard time getting the cherry to sit on the top, so I hot glued it onto a pencil and shoved it in last. TA DA!

The cupcake base is just a plastic plant saucer. 99 cents at my local plant nursery! Then I just spray painted it white. It was super easy!

On the tables the kids put the goodies for their mamas. Everyone made a big cupcake envelope and filled it a portrait, information about their mom (mostly inaccurate) and a sweet letter.

This friend loved sprinkles : )

Look at this cute Texas Tech mommy!!

I liked this mom too! 

These were hilarious to read!!!

And this was the most precious letter! 

I hope everyone had a very Happy Mother's Day! : )

 I would love to see pictures if you do anything special for moms at your school too! Check out all of these activities on TPT HERE.