Sunday, May 4, 2014

May Currently

I can't believe it's already May, but no complaining here! : ) 
I always love joining in on Farley's currently.

LISTENING: Do yall watch Eric and Jessie on E!? I am (creepy) obsessed with them! They are just so funny and perfect. Plus, Jessie is also obsessed with Jessica Simpson and dogs and I am pretty sure we could be best friends if we ever met. Tonight is the season finale. Praying for season 3! : ) 

Jessie is also a singer so I am jamming to her new EP. Love her!

LOVING: The warmer weather! I am always ready in the spring for some sunshine. Tomorrow is suppose to be 100 degrees! Bring it on!

THINKING: I am about to place my final Scholastic Book Order for the school year. I am plotting how to spend my bonus points! : )

WANTING: I am DYING to reorganize and clean out my classroom! I had my smartboard reinstalled a month or so ago and they took my giant white board away forever. WAHHH! Anyways, I had to take everything off of my beautiful wall...the calendar, the alphabet, the hundreds chart, everything! AND, when they took my board they ripped the paint too, grrr. Long story short, I didn't put everything back up for a month because they are suppose to come and repaint anytime. So, this walls looks yucky and I am dying to get it all put back together and reorganize for next year! 

NEEDING:A pedicure! It's sandal season, enough said  : )

SURPRISE: Texas follows the TEKS, not Common Core. SO, sometimes it can be tricky to find resources for the TEKS. Dixie at Teachin' Little Texans has an AMAZING resource that I literally use daily! She has all of the kindergarten TEKS on handy (and cute) little cards. I have them all in a binder and reference them constantly when writing plans. They are perfect and the pictures are super helpful when quickly looking for a standard! If you teach Kindergarten in Texas you need her TEKS Cards. 

Have a wonderful Sunday!