Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Fun

I hope that everyone is having a happy and blessed day! We have been so busy with all of our spring and Easter activities, that I haven't blogged about any of them. If you have been following me on Instagram, than you have already had a sneak peak! If not, enjoy! : )

We spent most of the month counting down the days until our baby chicks hatched! We learned lots about chicks and chickens.

I just love teaching interactive writing! This group of kids has really struggled with using uppercase letters to begin a sentence. So, we have been using highlighter tape so really enforce starting sentences with uppercase letters. 


We got to watch this little guy hatch on the big screen. It was so exciting and I was so glad that the kids got to see it!

Then the next morning, I found this...
All of the babies were out! 

Luckily, it was hat day! Like my chick hat?

Of course, we have to have some rules...

We named all 5 chicks although we can't really tell them apart : ) Our posters turned out so cute and it was a good reminder lesson about all names starting with an uppercase letter. This set of posters hangs by the chick nursery and I made another set for the hallway. We will have the babies all week and then they will head to the farm!

We also learned about ducks and talked about the similarities and differences between chicks and ducks. 

Here are a few fun Easter writings that we did this week:
"I am EGGstra special because...
I am a nice person.
I share with my friends.
I am a kindergarten kid. 
I'm good at soccer.
I share my markers." 

"If I was the Easter Bunny I would hide some Easter eggs. I would eat a lot of candy. I would decorate a lot of eggs. And I would hide the eggs in the bush."

Egg Symmetry Painting

Thursday we had the big Kindergarten Math Easter Egg Hunt. Each child in my class has a number 1-19. The parents sent filled eggs labeled with each number 1-19.  So they brought an egg with the number 1 on it, an egg with the number 2 on it, all the way to 19. The students hunted for eggs that were labeled with their number. It was a great way to reinforce number recognition and ensure that everyone got an equal amount of eggs. 

She was number 17.

 After the egg hunt, we did a few corresponding math activities.

I found these buckets at Dollar Tree. I labeled each child's bucket with their name and number.

We ended the week with making Rice Crispy Nests. This is an Easter tradition and my family has made them for years. It has been fun to make them in my classroom too.

What a fun week! : )