Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Summer Reading

Happy May!
One of my favorite things to do in the summertime is read! I have a stack of books just waiting to be read.  Since I will be a first year teacher most of my summer books relate to the upcoming school year. This week I have been looking through many of these books in preparation for my interviews. I have three this week at three different elementary schools! Very Exciting : )
Here is a peek at my summer reading list:

"Spaces and Places" by Debbie Diller
This books is all about how to organize your classroom and design a space that promotes literacy and learning.

"Math Work Stations: Independent Learning You Can Count On, K-2" BY Debbie Diller

I LOVE this book! Especially because it is a spiral book AND in color! This book has so many great ideas for math stations in the lower elementary grades. I really like the picture glossary of math materials included at the back of this book. I know what materials to be on the look out for!

"Literacy Work Stations: Making Centers Work" by Debbie Diller

Can you tell that I am a little obsessed with Debbie Diller? I LOVE this book too! It has so many ideas for different literacy centers. I love her center ideas because students aren't just allowed to do one thing. Each center has an "I can..." list with different acitvites they can do at each center. This helps students to be independent and not become bored as easily.

"The Daily 5: Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades" by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser

I know that everyone has heard of Daily 5! I have been exposed to Daily 5 in the classroom but, I am really excited to read the book behind it and learn more!

"A Framework for Understanding Poverty" by Dr. Ruby Payne

One of my professors swore by this book. She said that it completely changed her view on life and the students in her classroom. She believes that anyone who will be teaching children should be required to read this book. With such a strong recommendation, I decided it would be a good book to read. I want to be prepared to meet the needs of my high risk children and better understand where they are coming from.
"First Grade in Photographs" by Judy Lynch

I LOVE this book because it is in color! It is so helpful because it goes through the first five weeks of first grade with literacy ideas and lessons to teach. I love all of the ideas and materials used! And did I mention it has real color pictures?
"Conscious Discipline" by Dr. Becky Bailey

This is one of the most thought provoking books I have ever (started to) read. I have had this book a few months and I enjoy reading little sections at a time. This summer I really want to read the book cover to cover. It is a little bit overwhelming to read because it really makes you question many of the discipline and classroom managment techniques used in most classrooms. I really want to use Conscious Discipline in my classroom. If you aren't familiar with Conscious Discipline check out some of Heather's posts at Heather's Heart. She has some great posts and ideas about Conscious Discipline and what it looks like in a real classroom.

Have you read any of these books?
What books would you reccomend for a first year teacher? I can't wait to hear your thoughts!!
Send some happy interview thoughts my way!

Have a blessed day!