Sunday, September 28, 2014

Apple Week

Apple Week is one of my favorites all year! This year, the stomach virus decided to ATTACK! It was horrible! It made it's way through most of the Kindergarten team, so this week was crazy! I feel like I didn't get to fit in everything I had planned, oh well! Here are some of the highlights of the week! : )

This week in math we were working on the numbers 4 and 5. I made these little apple mats and we practiced number building and writing to 5. We also practiced recognizing numbers in different arrangements.

I used  M&Ms as the "apple seeds." These counting mats were just added to my Apple Unit Basics on TPT.

We also practiced lots of labeling this week!

We labeled our friends...

We labeled the parts of an apple...

And we labeled Johnny Appleseed...

 My idea for the Johnny Appleseed labeling came from the amazing Cara Carroll.

We also wrote about apples.

On Friday, we tasted and graphed the apples. 

 I couldn't believe the yellow apple won! Green is usually the winner!

And of course we made APPLESAUCE! 

First we washed the apples.

Next we peeled and cored them apples. I invested in this apple peeler I found on Amazon and OH MY GOSH, it is LIFE CHANGING! The kids freaked out! I loved that they could help! 

 Then we put all of the ingredients in the crock pot and mashed it every once in a while. This year I sort of made up my own recipe. Basically throw apples, sugar (white or brown), cinnamon and water together and it will be great.

Then finally it was time to eat up! It was DELICIOUS over Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream, mmm mmmm mmmmm.

I took each child's picture eating the applesauce and added the recipe to send home for a special keepsake. I don't cook EVER, so this is about the only recipe I have to share haha

We have so many apples left over, we may be having apples for snack all week! : )